A/C Compressor - Removal and Installation
If your air conditioning system is not supplying enough cool air to your car, truck, SUV or van's passenger compartment, it may be time to replace your air-conditioning compressor. Have a professional auto technician check it. If s/he determines your a/c compressor is faulty, you can install a new OEM or used unit yourself. Caution: if you have any questions or doubts about your ability to work on your vehicle's air-conditioning system, consult with an automotive professional for assistance. Abandon your plan to update your a/c system if no help is available.
Note: The following are general air-conditioning compressor replacement instructions. Always refer to a repair manual written specifically for your car, truck, van or SUV when performing any type of maintenance work.
Warning: The air-conditioning system is under high pressure. Do not loosen any fittings or remove any components until after the system has been discharged. Air-conditioning refrigerant must be properly discharged into an EPA-approved container at an automotive air-conditioning repair facility or dealer service department. Always wear eye protection when disconnecting air-conditioning system fittings.
Note: When replacing the compressor, you must also replace the receiver-drier. (See instructions below.)
- Have an automotive air-conditioning repair facility or dealer service department discharge the air-conditioning system.
- Remove the drivebelt as directed in your vehicle-specific repair manual.
- Raise the vehicle and secure it on jackstands. Caution: always use extreme care when jacking up your vehicle. Put it in gear (or in Park for automatic transmission vehicles) and set the parking brake.
- Remove any splash shields as directed in your vehicle-specific repair manual.
- Disconnect the electrical connector from the compressor.
- Disconnect the compressor outlet and inlet lines from the compressor. Remove and discard the old O-rings.
- Remove the compressor mounting bolts and the compressor.
- If you are installing a new compressor, follow the instructions that come with it with regard to the draining of excess oil before installation.
- If needed, transfer the clutch from the old compressor to the new unit.
- Before reconnecting the outlet and inlet lines to the compressor, replace all manifold O-rings and lubricate them with refrigerant oil.
- Installation of the new unit is basically the reverse of removal.
- Have the same shop that discharged you're a/c system evacuate, recharge, and leak test the system.
- Have an automotive air-conditioning repair facility or dealer service department discharge the air-conditioning system.
- Replace all old O-rings. Before installing new O-rings, lubricate them with refrigerant oil.
- Add the prescribed amount of refrigerant to the receiver-dryer (refer to your repair manual).
- Installation of the new unit is basically the reverse of removal.
- Have the same shop that discharged you're a/c system evacuate, recharge, and leak-test the system.
A/C Receiver-Drier Removal and Installation
- Follow all Warnings and Cautions above.
- Remove the condenser as directed in your vehicle-specific repair manual.
- Disconnect the condenser line from the receiver-drier.
- Disconnect the evaporator line.
- Remove and discard the old O-rings from both lines.
- Loosen the receiver-drier mounting bracket bolt and remove the receiver-drier.